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  • Writer's pictureJp Rugaba



The modern world is increasingly becoming more different than the ancient and medieval world of love, that biblical and a timespast literature seems to elaborate. The notion that an individual is born to solely to be with one person and thereafter live happily ever after, is becoming more of a fairytale. Divorce rates are more common, women are more empowered and according to some experts, there are more beta men than alpha men presently. In an increasing competitive and resource driven world, a mans primal role in society to be provider especially in a family and most importantly to a lady can never be stressed enough.

Women in a subconscious level are driven by emotions while men its logic. Women need emotions to properly understand ,take care and bond with their young. But in the world of dating, their emotions cake them vulnerable especially to the charms of man, if he knows how to use them. A mans sex market value is vital in the game of dating, the higher it is, the greater your chances since ladies are more inclined to chase and pursue the higher value male. This female hypogamy is geared to seek the strongest and best father for the survival of her offspring. A mans major role in reproduction is to spread his seed to as many as possible so as to spread his gene and the continuity of his linage. Men are mainly physical creatures when it comes to attraction, beauty and body are our primary cause of attraction. Beauty is biological attractive evolutionary as it serves to indicate that the lady can produce offspring of better and healthy gene whilst body indicates that the lady is sexually active. A woman’s sex market value is somewhat attached to her beauty and body appearance. For a man, its quite complex, it ranges from social proof, power, resources, appearance and above all confidence.

For ladies to simply attract a Man, it very simple, all she has to do is invest in her appearance. Whilst for men, the simple standard is that women are a side effect of your success and experience. Whether you opt for breath ( having many short term girlfriends and affairs) or depth( having a long term relationship with a particular girl), the rules still apply, experience, emotional maturity and resources are the main drivers to this game. Most people in the pickup community will emphasize the HOTAPE method (humor, openness, touch, appearance, proximity and eye contact) as the one of the core framework of getting laid, and as studies showed, it does surely work if properly and effectively used. A man should always keep his frame when with his woman, that strong masculine vibe should remain no matter how the feminine energy seems to be getting the better of him, because eventually women will always test him .

A woman only tests a man she is interested in, and she is basically testing your emotional masculinity and confidence, since she is biologically wired from an evolutionary standpoint to seek these traits in a man. the common notion that nice guys finish last, is more than true because women can read the hidden agenda behind the gifts, favors etc as someone not being authentic and buying her out while also putting her on a pedestal and her, his entire world, something women dread becausewoman should just enhance your life and not be your life. The alphas and the bad boys clearly understood this.

Women are like cats, chase and show too much affection, they will pull away, do the opposite and allow them come to you, they will stick around. Women ought to be loved and cared for, since its from them that the continuity of mankind is guaranteed. But as a man, it is very important to be selective whilst choosing a partner, as a woman can either build you or destroy you. Henceforth, its important to pick a partner who aligns with your life goals, provides you a peace of mind and is the bed rock of your success.


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